Bites Plates, Mouthguards and Sedation.
Dr Ockert Spangenberg
021 976 8107
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Unit 1, 10 Plein Street, Durbanville, Cape Town, Western Cape
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Bite Plates
Bite plates can be used to manage bruxism and temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) and to protect your teeth. Bruxism refers to the condition where adults or children unconsciously grind or clench their teeth on a regular basis. Some people might grind or clench their teeth during the day while others might do it during the night.
Bruxism has been associated with facial pain that cannot be explained and headaches in the morning. Severe cases can even lead to tooth damage. Stress, a poor bite and teeth that are aligned incorrectly can lead to bruxism.
Consult your dentist if you suspect that you clench or grind your teeth. He will determine if you will benefit from sleeping with a custom-fitted bite plate.
Mouthguards are for the young and old. Anyone who is taking part in any form of sport such as rugby, hockey, football etc. should wear a mouthguard.
A mouthguard is a protective device that covers the teeth and protects the teeth and gums from injury during contact sport. Another purpose of a mouthguard is to prevent concussions during sport activities.
Poorly fitted mouthguards can still lead to injuries and dental trauma. They are not as effective in the prevention of trauma to the teeth, therefore, a custom-made mouthguard provided by your dentist is the best option and is much more comfortable.
Many people are so anxious and afraid of the dentist that they would rather endure the pain than receive any treatment. For these people, sedation can help to reduce some of their anxiety.
A visit to the hospital is not necessary, as it is done in the comfort of the dental surgery. An anaesthetist will be present to administer the sedative and to monitor you constantly. Conscious sedation is an excellent option for fearful dental patients. It uses sedatives which allow you to stay awake, yet relaxed, during the procedure. You remain conscious, retain your protective reflexes and will be able to respond to verbal commands. The application of conscious sedation can greatly reduce the need for general anaesthesia and is an excellent alternative for the removal of wisdom teeth.
Young, uncooperative children needing extensive dental treatment can result in a very challenging, stressful and traumatic experience for the patient, the parent and the dentist. For these children, conscious sedation or general anaesthesia is often recommended. Because of the risks and costs involved with general anaesthesia, conscious sedation is often the preferred choice.